A Wing of the Heirs of Liberty

“We are the militia”. A logo is being developed. As the photo above indicates WE ARE MILITA is simply a cross section of average Americans, Physicians, mechanics, professionals, laborer’s educators etc. They are not preppers, survivalist, or right wing extremist.

Understanding the potential if needed for of a militia is an educational preference for all to consider. However, this is not to be taken as a movement to militarize citizens into an army. No, but it is a reminder that the founding fathers lived and worked around controlling, corrupt and authoritative self serving governments. They were powerless to stop or halt their infringements, and for this very reason they initiated the 2nd amendment in to the constitution. “The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.” This is to protect the citizenry from a Tyrannical Government. Lets us not forget the only thing separating us from a dictatorial out of control Government is an is an armed citizenry. If you doubt the accuracy of this statement, simply review the recent news coverage of the Venezuelan people. They are powerless to evict the looser of a free election. Videos of these people protesting in the streets, reveal them being run over by military vehicles and shot at by the remaining military. The effect of all power on one side, none on the other. And now Hong Kong, as China is showing it might over these people essentially demanding dominance to their communist Nation. Again the citizens have no control and no power to resist.

We are not suggesting a protest or militia assembly. However, an awareness of these issues and the extreme socialist positions being presented in todays political theater raises serious questions. The 2nd amendment was not granted for hunting or target shooting. It was guaranteed to give the citizenry freedom from a dishonest and self serving RĂ©gime. The present radical political agenda should be reminded of these options.

To support your civil rights, and keep the potential option and freedom of the concept of the people’s militia, we are providing the following ongoing declarations of expressions. We are the Militia logo, available on freedom clothing, T shirts, Ball caps, vinyl car magnetic bumper sticker and miscellaneous other paraphernalia. A subtle visual awareness of We are Militia. The right of the people to assemble and protect their rights. Think about the visual impact of just a small % of the population wearing and attesting to this statement. By comparison, the entire military is less than 2 % of the population. If needed, perhaps it might be a wake up call to some of the self-serving and corrupt members of congress. “Listen to the people not the lobbyist”.